In the absence of traditional trivia nights our lives do not have to be completely trivia-less. Check out QuizNightHQ’s guide to Isolation Trivia + Games. It contains plenty of ideas to get your friends, family and workplaces engaged in an online quiz night or online video fun.
Many, many of QuizNightHQ’s products at the Marketplace are ideal for ONLINE QUIZZES too. Check out the filter ‘Online – Social Games’ or head to this page.
- Download Process for Marketplace Products
Download Process for FREE Products
- My Account at QuizNightHQ
- Trivia Rounds
- Displaying via projector / TV
- Using the product at your Quiz Night
- Table Question Rounds
- Printing
- Using the product at your Quiz Night
- Using Quiz Night Templates for your Quiz
- Using the Templates for your Quiz
- Trivia Rounds
- Trivia Question & Answer Sheet
- Game Templates
- Fundraising Templates
- Other
- Using the Templates for your Quiz
Quiz Night HQ has a plethora of high-quality trivia round, table round and template products that will help to engage and entertain your trivia night attendees. This guide will give you a detailed look at how to use these products.
Download Process for Marketplace Products
- Once you have added all the products you wish to purchase to your cart you will be required to enter your payment information. Using your credit card or PayPal are the options available.
- During the payment process you will be required to setup a QuizNightHQ account which allows you to leave reviews and keep track of previous purchases.
- Once the payment process is complete you will receive an email within about 30 minutes. This will contain the download links for the products you have purchased. The payment confirmation page at QuizNightHQ also contains the download links.
- The product download can also be accessed via your My Account page.

Select the download link and your products will be downloaded to your computer.
Please note: all free Template products have no download limits and never expire. Paid products have a limit of 3 downloads and must be downloaded within 7 days. They can be printed as many times as you like.
Download Process for FREE Marketplace Products
The QuizNightHQ Marketplace has a number of free products available. These products will greatly assist in planning, organising and running your Trivia Night. Products include sample products and game, fundraising and other templates.
- There is no payment required for free products.
- If you select ‘Add to cart’ on a free product and don’t add any other products you will not even be required to enter your credit card information.
- Once the payment of $0 is complete (just select ‘Place order’ at the checkout – no credit card number or PayPal details required) you will be sent to an ‘Order received’ page. Here you select the files to download. There may be some variations in filetypes (and resolutions for the Trivia Round Template). You will also receive an email within 30 minutes that has the same download links.
The product download can also be accessed via your My Account page. - There is no download limit or expiry date on any of QuizNightHQ’s free products.
My Account at QuizNightHQ
When completing the checkout process you will prompted to ‘Create an Account’. This is optional but recommended. You can complete the process without creating an account however creating an account has a number of handy benefits. You can head to the My Account page and review previous orders and access the download here rather than retrieving it from an email.
My Account provides a dashboard that summarises your account. The page includes information about your billing address, payment methods, accounts details and product purchase history.At the dashboard you can recover information regarding past product orders. This will help you keep track of your purchases and ensure that you received what you paid for. If you have any issues note the order number on the left and contact us.
There’s an extremely handy downloads page in My Account. Here you can easily see all your previously purchased products. This will ensure that when you return to QuizNightHQ to purchase more products for your next quiz night, you won’t double up on what you’ve previously used.
You will see how many downloads you have remaining and how long you have till the download expires. Please note: check the product description before purchasing as most products have an expiry and download limit.
Remember you don’t have to create an account at QuizNightHQ however it will make the process for you easier when returning to purchase products next time.
Trivia Rounds
Displaying via projector / TV
- The Trivia Round products from QuizNightHQ are both a digital presentation and printable question and answer sheets. Check out QuizNightHQ’s guide to Equipment for more details on what is required to run the digital files on your computer.
- A compatible computer will be required to connect to a video display for the digital presentations. Depending on your venue this may need to be provided by the QuizMaster or organisers of the event. A projector onto a wall / screen or a large TV will work well.
- The files available for the product downloads are Microsoft PowerPoint and Apple Keynote accompanied by PDF question and answer sheets. If there is an alternative filetype that is preferred let us know via the Contact page.
- Check out the settings on your computer to ensure that when you’re connected to the screen you have the correct resolution for the display.
- The settings in Keynote and PowerPoint can also be adjusted on the computer screen to give you more control over the presentation.

Using the product at your Quiz Night
- The digital presentations are designed to be presented to your audience and trivia participants.
- The printable question sheets are to be given out to each team to complete as the presentation is delivered.
- The printable answer sheet is for the QuizMaster to refer to throughout the round and accurately mark the teams’ responses once the round is complete.
- Trivia Rounds vary in length depending on the amount of questions and speed at which the QuizMaster goes through them. Plan for 10-15mins in your Running Sheet for each round.
- Hand out the printed questions sheets to each team.
- Run the question presentation allowing enough time for teams to fill in their answers for each question.
- Once the round is complete, ask each team to bring up their question sheet for marking.
- Referring to the printed answer sheet, mark each team’s responses.
- Give each team a total for the round and add it to your Quiz Night Scoring Presentation.
- Display the Answer presentation and run through the answers to each of the questions.
- Give teams a running total using the Scoring Presentation.
Table Question Rounds
- Once the products have been downloaded to your computer they will need to be opened in image viewing software.
- To get the most out of the high-quality images it is strongly recommended that you should use a high-quality printer. This will provide your quiz night competitors the best chance at success.
- It may suit you to visit a business where you can print from a USB rather than using your own printer.
- Print as many copies of the question PDF as required. It’s recommended you do an additional 20% on top of how many teams you expect – this will allow for any last minute arrivals and issues on the night.
- Print 1-2 copies of the answer PDF to provide an easy marking process. These answer sheets are your reference for marking teams’ question sheets and announcing the answers.
Using the Product at your Quiz Night
- Hand out the printed Table Question sheet to each team. The product can either be used to accompany a standard Trivia Round or as a stand-alone round.
- Once teams have completed the round a representative of theirs needs to return the sheet.
- Use the printed Table Question answer sheet to mark each team’s responses.
- Give each team a total for the round and add it to your Quiz Night Scoring Presentation.
- Run through the answers to each of the questions.
- Give teams a running total using the Scoring Presentation.
Using Quiz Night Templates for your Quiz
Trivia Rounds Template
See QuizNightHQ’s guide to Creating High Quality Trivia Questions for more information on how to use templates.
Creating a trivia round can be time-consuming and refining the look of your round can be a formatting challenge. There is a template available in Quiz Night HQ’s Marketplace specifically designed to take the formatting issues out of the equation. It has numbered slides with consistent fonts and animations for the answers. All you have to do is insert the question and accurately researched answer.
For an example of the end result, check out the Trivia Rounds available for purchase in Quiz Night HQ’s Marketplace.
There are a number of options for file types and screen resolutions depending on your needs.
- Widescreen Resolution PowerPoint (.pptx – PC or Mac)
- Widescreen Resolution Keynote (.key – Mac)
- Standard Resolution PowerPoint (.pptx – PC or Mac)
- Standard Resolution Keynote (.key – Mac)
Please note: this is to create the visual display for your trivia night attendees. It is recommend that you use a projector or TV large screen so all your attendees can see the written questions, images and videos you have tirelessly inserted into your Trivia Round.
Keep in mind that you will need to create a question sheet to accompany the digital display. These question sheets are completed by each team and handed back to the marker at the end of the Trivia Round. A Question Sheet Template is also available in the Marketplace. Read on for more detail about that product.
Trivia Round Question Sheet Template
Once you have completed the PowerPoint or Keynote file for displaying the questions and answers you will need to create a way for teams to fill in the answers. This template is your starting point.
- When you download this product you will receive a Word document (.docx).
- Open the Trivia Round ‘Answers’ file that you have just created in Keynote or PowerPoint. You will be referring back to this regularly throughout this process.
- Start by matching the number of questions in the presentation to the number of lines on the answer sheet. Record the number and subset accordingly e.g. 1, 2, 3 A B C D, 4.
- Allocate one line for each point given. E.g. For questions worth 3 points (requiring 3 answers), provide 3 lines.
- The ‘Answer’ sheet will contain the worded answers.
- The ‘Question’ sheet will should contain spaces for teams to fill in their answers.
- Each line is created by using SHIFT + Hyphen on the keyboard – this will give it an underline look without anything on the line. It enables you to allocate the necessary amount of space required to answer the question too.
- To allow ease of marking the answers on the night ensure that the ‘Questions’ and ‘Answers’ sheets match in terms of their formatting.
- Once the digital versions are complete print enough copies of the question sheet for each team at your Quiz.
- Print 1-2 copies of the answer sheet to refer to throughout the rounds and to mark teams’ responses.
Game Templates
The game templates available in QuizNightHQ’s Marketplace comprehensively provide the resources for you to run a game at your event. See below for the Game and Activity Templates available and what you receive. For more details on how to run the
- 4 Corners
Display the printed images of the suits (hearts, diamonds, clubs and spades) in four corners of the room.
See QuizNightHQ’s guide to Quiz Night Games for further details on running the game.
- Sit Down If …
This template is a Word / PDF file that gives a list of 45 suggestions for running this game. You can add to the list or use it in its entirety to play the game.
See QuizNightHQ’s guide to Quiz Night Games for further details on running the game.
Fundraising Templates
These templates provide all you need to run games that will raise money at your event.
- Silent Auction
The editable template contains multiple sheets that can be adjusted to suit the needs of your Quiz Night. Give each item a number and name. Promote its value to increase the bids and identify the donor (if they want to be named). People at your event will bid on the item. It may be worth adding a minimum bid note at the top for some of the items on offer.
See QuizNightHQ’s Ultimate Fundraising Guide for further details on conducting a Silent Auction.
- Not-So-Live Auction
This editable and printable document informs your audience on what items they can bid on. Once you have inserted the details of the items to the digital document print them off and make sure there’s at least one for each team.
See QuizNightHQ’s Ultimate Fundraising Guide for further details on conducting a Not-So-Live Auction.
- Buy-A-Square
The Buy-A-Square template product offers various sizes detailed further in QuizNightHQ’s Ultimate Fundraising Guide. Once you have chosen the size that suits you best, print and display them clearly at your Quiz venue. Attendees will come up and purchase a square.
Try printing onto coloured paper to attract additional interest in the game.
Other Templates
These extremely handy templates will assist with your logistic components leading up to your event. They are a great template that have all the formatting sorted and may provide some additional ideas that you hadn’t thought of in the planning of your Quiz Night.
- Running Sheet
– The Running Sheet Template will greatly assist the planning of your Trivia Night. It’s the perfect way to share the details on how the night will run with those involved in the organising.
– Once the download is complete edit the document, inserting the times and events you plan to hold during the event. Go into as much or little detail as you decide.
– This can be a handy document to give to the venue, QuizMaster and volunteers to keep them in the loop of the proceedings.
- Quiz Night Scoring
– The Scoring template is an option for presenting the team trivia scores throughout your event
– The Numbers (.numbers) file is editable and should be updated throughout the event.
– Use and external display (i.e. projector / large TV) to display the results throughout the quiz.
- Request for Donation Letter
Requesting a donation can be tricky but this handy template will get you started. Simply download the document and insert the information relevant to your organisation and the event you’re holding. Print as many as you require. This will depend on the number of businesses you plan on visiting to request a donation.
If you have any questions regarding the use of QuizNightHQ’s products please feel free to comment below. Alternatively, check out the FAQs for more information.